Marathon Footsteps Sound Effects
Are you ready for a sonic adventure? Lace up your running shoes and join us on a journey through two different continents with our marathon sound library!
Our first stop is in sunny Limassol, Cyprus where we record the exhilarating sounds of a fast marathon. As the winner sprinted by, we stood in the middle of the road, listening to every step with our DPA 4060, Usi Pro, Zoom F8n, and Zoom H3-VR. You can hear the crowd cheering and hundreds of runners pounding the pavement in our VR Ambisonic Sound Library.
Next, we traveled to Denver, Colorado, where we recorded the sounds of a 7K fun run. As 100 people passed us by, we recorded every step from left to right and right to left. The runners walked slow, chatted, and had a good time during the race. Maybe that’s why they call it a fun run? You’ll hear a variety of sounds in this library, including footsteps, running, walking, jogging, chatting, and crowd walla.
So put on your headphones and take a run with us through this amazing sound library. You’ll hear the sound of running on concrete, road bike groups passing by, cars passing by, and even police motorbikes in Limassol. Don’t wait, get ready to run!
Listen to the sound compilation