Binaural Singapore Airport Ambience
Listen to one of the world’s best airports recorded during the pandemic in binaural.
Equipped with my trusty Zoom F6 recorder and DPA 4560 binaural in-ear microphones, I set out to explore Terminal 3 and recorded the sounds of people walking, chatting, and the occasional beep in the distance. As I wandered through the airport, I also recorded the light splashing of water and the sound of someone sneezing near a small water fountain.
One of the highlights for me was riding the fully automated modern Skytrain, where I was able to record the rumble and rattle of the train. And because the airport was especially empty at night, these recordings provide a truly unique and immersive experience of the airport’s soundscape.
Despite the changes brought on by the pandemic, Singapore Changi Airport remains a remarkable place to experience, and I’m happy to be able to share these very special binaural recordings with you with our Singapore Changi Airport Ambience Sound Library. Be sure to check out other sound recordings from this Airport Sound Library Singapore collection.
Listen to the sound compilation