Urban Soundscape USA
Take a walk with me down memory lane as we travel back to 2017, exploring Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado. As we immerse ourselves in the city’s vibrant atmosphere, we discover a place where locals, tourists, and street performers all come together to create a unique soundscape that’s truly unforgettable.
As we make our way down the street, you’ll hear the sounds of people chatting, cars passing by, and even a group of onlookers cheering and laughing as they watch a man juggle with fire. This audio time capsule transports you to the heart of Boulder, documenting that moment in time.
I recorded all of these sounds for this Boulder City Ambience Sound Library using my trusty Zoom H6 recorder. You’ll feel like you’re right there on the street with us as you listen to this recording. So whether you’re a sound engineer looking for new inspiration for your next post-production project or someone who loves to explore new places through sound, this recording is not to be missed.
Listen to the sound compilation