Nabawi Church Bell Sound Effects Korea
Get ready to immerse yourself in the timeless charm of the Nabawi Catholic Church, the oldest surviving Catholic church in the Jeolla-do region of Korea. Built-in 1906, this stunning church is home to a bell that is still rung by hand every day at 10:30 a.m.
Experience the powerful sound of the church bell as we recorded it in high-quality audio directly beneath the bell tower and from a distance of 15 meters.
Despite a failed attempt to place the DPA 4060 in the tower, the recording still captured the church bell’s rich sound.
As a bonus, we’ve included two impulse responses that we recorded inside the church’s main building so you can add a touch of authenticity to your own soundscapes.
Take a step back in time with our Nabawi Catholic Church Bell Sound Effects Library and hear the sound of one of the most iconic churches in Korea.
Listen to the sound compilation