Free Cat Purring Sound Effects
When we were living in La Réunion, a tiny island in the Indian Ocean, we had the cutest little visitor. He was a kitten who frequently showed up at our doorstep, seeking some love and attention. We quickly fell in love with him, and he became our “foster” cat during the lockdown.
One day, he was sleeping on the couch, purring like a little motor, with a smile on his face. We couldn’t resist the opportunity to record those adorable sounds, so we decided to record them.
The purring of a cat is a calming and soothing sound, with a low rumble that can range from 25 to 150 Hertz. People often search for cat purr ASMR on YouTube or other platforms to help them relax and fall asleep.
These recordings are not only great for that purpose but also for sound design and post-production. I’ve used them to create some interesting drone sound effects, and I’m sure they would be useful for film or animation projects featuring sleeping cats or kittens. And the best part? These sounds are completely authentic and free for you to use in your projects.
Listen to the sound compilation