Classic Train Sound Library Vietnam
In January 2019, I set off on a quest to document the genuine sounds of Vietnam. My journey began in Ho Chi Minh City and took me all the way to Hanoi, navigating the country on a rented motorbike. The idea was to document and preserve a diverse array of train sounds, from the lively ambience of train stations to the powerful roar of trains in motion.
This journey was unforgettable, bringing me into contact with numerous fellow travelers, though none were on a similar mission to record sounds.
The trains I recorded across Vietnam were precisely what I had envisioned. Many originated from the 1970s, offering a thrilling experience in recording the distinctive and sometimes erratic sounds of their engines and mechanical parts.
My recordings encompassed a broad spectrum of train sounds, from the thunderous passage of a train through the historic quarters of Hanoi to the faint creak of Long Biên's ancient metal bridge. I also visited various train stations, including Dalat, Da Nang, and Hue, documenting the vibrant activity at each site.
A memorable moment was the chance to document at Hanoi's historic Long Biên Bridge. This metal structure has withstood numerous attacks and remains operational. Traversing the bridge while listening to the creaks and rumbles of passing trains was incredible.
There is speculation that the bridge may be turned into a museum, which would render these sounds even more precious, as they would become part of history.
The sound library I created boasts 44 different and unique sound files, featuring a variety of trains including pass-bys, interior ambiences, engines starting and shutting down, diesel refilling, idling, honking, and the atmospheres of train stations.
Listen to the sound compilation