How to Make Viral Reels and Earn with Instagram

Curious about creating viral Instagram reels and the potential earnings they can bring? We’re sharing our journey, the essential gear, and tips to avoid common traps.

How We Make Viral Reels On Instagram

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Hi, we're Libby and Marcel, the creators of Free To Use Sounds. If you found us through Instagram, chances are you’ve seen one of our reels that went viral recently and thought, "If they can do it, I can too." Well, why not give it a try?

We’re excited to share our journey and give you a peek behind the curtain on how we make viral content, especially about sound recording. These insights are often guarded secrets or hidden behind paywalls, but we believe in transparency and want to help fellow creators connect the dots and see the bigger picture. If you find this information valuable, feel free to support us by purchasing our All In One Bundle or any of our sound libraries.

In this post, we won’t just show you how to create viral videos around sound, but we’ll also talk about the potential financial success reels can have. By the time we're writing this post, we have over 327,000 followers and have reached over 46 million accounts with our reels worldwide over a period of 30 days.

We’ll explore whether going viral is truly worth it and if you should invest your precious time and money in field or sound recording for social media.

How to Make Viral Reels and Earn with Instagram

Understanding Your Motivation

First things first: why do you want to make viral content? Is it for fun, to gain social media experience, or to promote your own brand or products?

Instagram is a fantastic platform for reaching a large audience. However, if your goal is to gain fame in the field recording space, secure sponsorship deals, or get paid trips by advertisers, you might want to consider whether these aspirations align with the realities of this niche.

While some areas like makeup or lifestyle might offer quicker paths to financial success through views and sponsorships, field recording can be a much longer journey, often requiring patience and persistence.

So, don’t be discouraged if brands don’t immediately come knocking.

Instead, focus on engaging with your new followers. If you’ve recently grown your follower count by a few thousand, it’s crucial to connect with and build a relationship with these new supporters. There’s a growing trend of creators valuing authenticity and independence over sponsorships, which can resonate more deeply with your audience.

By developing a strong, authentic connection with your followers, you’ll create a loyal base that supports you, and that’s more valuable than anything else.

Dealing with Negativity

We’ve been on social media since 2015, and it’s important to acknowledge that there can be negativity online. It’s essential to develop resilience and not let negative comments deter you from your passion. If you’re new to sharing your work publicly, be mindful that sudden changes in your content might surprise your friends and family. It's often best to share your goals with people who support your vision to avoid any potential discouragement.

Bonus Payouts & Evolving with Instagram

Did you know that Instagram and Facebook used to offer bonuses for reels? A couple of years ago, we were earning up to $1000 a month from our reels alone. This was a fantastic motivator for us to keep creating. However, these programs were eventually phased out, which led us to reassess how we used Instagram for promotion.

So why are we back now? Instagram has evolved. Its algorithm now better understands niche content like sound recording and can effectively deliver it to an interested audience. This broader reach has allowed us to connect with people who use our sounds in new diverse ways, and many of them continue to support us by purchasing our sound recordings through our Instagram bio.

How to Make Potential Money with Reels on Instagram in 2024

Let us give you an example of how effective Instagram can be: After our bee sounds went viral, we created not only a sound library on Bandcamp but also uploaded two sound effects with the original version and one extended version to our Beacon account where creators can purchase these sound effects directly from our Instagram bio. The response was incredible; this small sound pack made us over $50 in less than 24 hours.

This success came not from simply uploading sounds to a random platform and hoping for the best but from actively engaging with our audience through pinned comments and promoting our work through our stories. The key takeaway is to take action and seize opportunities as they arise. Your hard work and creativity can pave the way to success, starting today!

Naysayers and Forums

If you find yourself in forums asking questions like, "Can I make money with sounds?" or "Can this be a full-time profession?"—we can only speak from our own experience, and the answer is yes, you absolutely can. It’s all about the effort, creativity, and persistence you put into it.

Every journey is unique, and it’s easy to encounter differing opinions. Some people might share their frustrations or challenges, but it's important to focus on your own path. Instead of being discouraged by what others say, use it as motivation to refine your approach and find what works best for you.

What Do I Need to Make Viral Content?

Creating viral content has become significantly easier than it was when we started. Libby and I, as millennials born in the '80s, have witnessed the evolution from cassette tapes to CDs, the digital era, and the rise of the internet. Today, building websites and producing content is a breeze compared to a few years ago.

Embrace Your Unique Perspective

Content creation today can feel saturated, with many creators sharing similar ideas. The challenge is how to stand out without feeling like a copycat. Here’s the truth: your unique perspective and creativity are your greatest assets. Every sound you record and every video you make reflects your individual style and vision. Embrace that! Remember, it’s your passion and drive that will set you apart. Many start with dreams of quick success and easy money, but those who endure are the ones who truly enjoy the process. We’ve seen many come and go, but we’re still here because we love what we do.

Essential Gear for Creating Viral Content

Creating engaging and viral content doesn’t require high-end equipment. If you already have a sound portfolio or a website, you’re off to a great start. Here are some examples that can help you create compelling video content with accessible and practical tools:

Smartphone Camera

You don’t need specialized or high-cost equipment to create viral videos. We’ve filmed all our viral content using devices that are widely available:

A good tripod or a small travel slider can be invaluable for getting stable and dynamic shots, especially if you’re working solo. These tools help you add motion and creativity to your future videos and reels.

Editing Software

Editing is crucial for turning our video footage and sound recordings into engaging content. Here’s the software we’re using:

Other great options include:

Creating Unique Content

Creating engaging content isn’t just about the gear; it’s about how you tell your story. But using unique equipment like a Geofon or a contact microphone like the Metal Marshmallow or AKG C411pp can add an intriguing element that sets your videos apart. Experiment with different tools and techniques to discover what resonates with your audience and showcases your unique perspective.

The Power of a Strong Narrative

One of our most viral videos featured me using a Geofon on an escalator handrail, which attracted over 62 million views. Despite receiving a lot of negative comments, the video generated massive engagement. In contrast, our videos featuring happy sounds, such as bees and bamboo, garnered ten times the shares with views ranging between 5 and 23 million. This illustrates that while controversy can boost views, content that emotionally resonates often leads to more meaningful engagement and wider sharing.

Highlighting Unique Elements

We acknowledge that recording only ambient sounds with an audio recorder or a microphone facing a river, traffic, or trees is unlikely to make your videos go viral—unless there is something particularly captivating happening, like a rare animal sighting or an unexpected event. To make your videos stand out, consider using unique tools like the Geofon or contact microphones. These distinctive sounds from various materials and environments add a layer of curiosity and interest that helped our content gain a lot of attention.

Balancing Viral Success and Authenticity

Going viral can bring a flood of new followers and unprecedented attention. However, it’s crucial to stay grounded and focused on what matters most: your genuine connection with your audience. The excitement of rapid growth can lead to the temptation of pursuing numbers at the expense of quality, authenticity, and, most importantly, your mental health. Remember, your followers are here because of you and your unique perspective. Stay true to that, and avoid the trap of trying to replicate viral success for its own sake.

The Realities and Dangers of Viral Success

While the idea of going viral is thrilling, it comes with its own set of challenges:

  • Burnout: The pressure to maintain and exceed previous successes can be overwhelming. It’s important to manage your time and focus on content that you enjoy creating.

  • Scams and False Promises: Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true. We’ve had our videos used without permission and received dubious sponsorship proposals. Always protect your content and avoid partnerships that don’t align with your values.

  • Privacy Concerns: Going viral can expose you to increased scrutiny and privacy risks. Be mindful of the personal information you share and the potential impact on your life and work.

Building a Sustainable Path Forward

Your journey to viral success doesn’t conclude with one popular video. It’s about creating a sustainable and fulfilling path forward. Engage with your new followers, respond to their comments, share stories, and continue creating content that you’re passionate about. Viral success can open doors, but it’s your ongoing effort and authenticity that will keep those doors open and build lasting connections.

Moving Forward with Confidence

As you continue your content creation journey, remember that every step forward, every video, and every interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow. Celebrate your successes, learn from your challenges, and stay committed to your passion. The road to viral success is a marathon, not a sprint, and your dedication and creativity are your greatest assets.